
Try rendering one of the example scenes like this:

gwrender scene Examples/Rainbow/Still.yaml -o ./

The rendered scene is a still frame defined by the configuration file Examples/Rainbow/Still.yaml. It is based on Examples/Rainbow/Rainbow.yaml which, by itself, defines a short movie:

gwrender scene Examples/Rainbow/Rainbow.yaml \
  --render-movie-to-file ./Rainbow
  --num-jobs NUM_JOBS

Feel free to turn up NUM_JOBS to render the frames in parallel.

Compose configuration files to define a scene#

A scene is defined by a stack of one or more YAML configuration files. The configuration files can be source-controlled and shared, so each visualization is reproducible. See Examples/Rainbow/Rainbow.yaml for an example of a scene configuration file.

Multiple configuration files can be stacked to compose a scene. Configurations in later files override those in earlier files. You find a collection of useful configuration files in the directory gwpv/scene_overrides/. They are found automatically by gwrender, so you can, for example, easily adjust the background of the scene or the rendering resolution:

gwrender \
  scene Examples/Rainbow/Still.yaml Background/Light Resolutions/High -o ./

Scene configuration files can specify that they always include others so you don’t have to build the composition stack on the command line:

  - Background/Light
  - Resolutions/High

You can also list scene compositions in a file such as Examples/Rainbow/Scenes.yaml:

  - Name: RainbowLight
      - Rainbow
      - Background/Light

You can sequentially render all scenes listed in such a file by calling the scenes entrypoint:

gwrender scenes Examples/Rainbow/Scenes.yaml -o ./ --num-jobs NUM_JOBS

To render a single scene from the file, use the scene entrypoint and specify the name of the scene:

gwrender scene Examples/Rainbow/Scenes.yaml:Rainbow -o ./ --num-jobs NUM_JOBS

Sometimes it can be useful to override particular configurations from the command line, for example to reduce the frame rate for a test rendering. To do so, you can pass key-value pairs of scene configuration options to gwrender like this:

gwrender scene Examples/Rainbow/Rainbow.yaml -o ./ \
  --override Animation.FrameRate=1

The key of each override is parsed as the key-path into the scene configuration to replace, and its value is parsed as YAML.


To specify datasources for the rendered scenes, such as waveform data or horizon shapes from a simulation, the configuration file Examples/Rainbow/Rainbow.yaml includes Examples/Rainbow/Datasources.yaml.

Specifying the datasources in a separate configuration file allows excluding it from source control, e.g. to set local file system paths on a particular rendering machine.

Datasources can refer to a local file system path or a remote URL. They will be downloaded and cached, if needed. For example, you can pick any simulation from the SXS waveform catalog and use the URL to one of its public waveform data files:

    Subfile: Extrapolated_N2.dir
    Cache: ./waveform_data_cache

The supported data formats are listed on the Data formats page.